Leadership Perspectives

Podcast Series

Get closer to our work with The Conference Board of Canada’s Leadership Perspectives series. Each episode, we sit down with senior Conference Board leaders and researchers to discuss issues that affect Canadians. Topics include economics, education, sustainability, HR, and Indigenous and Northern perspectives.





(as of September 25, 2024)

Latest Episode

As we experience the hottest summer on record, reaching our Net Zero goals has become one of the most urgent challenges of our time. Canada’s target is to achieve a net-zero economy—either emitting no greenhouse gases or offsetting any emissions—by 2050, with critical milestones set for 2030. In this episode, we examine Canada’s progress toward these goals and explore how the economics of this transition will impact Canadians in various ways. 

September 25, 2024  •  33-min listen

Episode Details

Canada’s mobile broadband usage numbers are dismal.  We rank dead last in mobile broadband users and have some of lowest mobile data usage compared to other G7 countries. These metrics need to improve.  While there is much discussion on the number of providers and the competitiveness of our telecommunications industry, there’s another way to move the needle.

Research by The Conference Board of Canada shows that increased tower sharing can play a role in changing this critical metric for Canadians.  It could allow for more tower development in rural and remote regions, eliminate redundancies in infrastructure development, reduce the environmental impact of passive infrastructure, and lead to improved connectivity.  In this episode, our guests Dan Carpenter, Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada and Wendy Zatylny, Country Manager, SBA Communications Canada join us to discuss how changes at the federal and municipal levels could help foster the growth of the tower sharing industry in Canada.

Read more:

Dan Carpenter

Research Associate, Innovation and Technology, The Conference Board of Canada

Wendy Zatylny

Country Manager, SBA Communications Canada

March 29, 2023  •  21-min listen

Canadian Universities and Colleges are increasingly welcoming students from around the world to study in Canada. We estimate that over the last ten years, over a million international students have come to study in Canada. And that number is rising.

International students represent some of the best and the brightest from around the world. They come to Canadian post-secondary institutions hoping to get a world-class education and in many instances an opportunity to continue to build on the connections they make in school to jump into the Canadian labour force.

But the ideal isn’t always the reality.

And Conference Board of Canada research has highlighted some major gaps in the pathway from international student to Canadian. In this episode of Leadership Perspectives we examine the challenges facing international students on the path to Canadian citizenship and provide recommendations on how to improve this system.

Read more:

Iain Reeve

Associate Director, Immigration, The Conference Board of Canada

Research Associate, Immigration, The Conference Board of Canada

December 7, 2022  •  25-min listen

Canada is a trading nation. Throughout our history, trade has been one of the foundations of our economy. Equally important has been to establish rules for international trade. This episode we hear how trade agreement commitments are shaping Canada’s ability to regulate the digital economy. Matt Malone, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at Thompson Rivers University talks about how recent trade agreements are shaping the digital economy, often before domestic governments have acted with their own laws and regulations in pertinent areas.

He cautions that as Canada seeks to revamp law and policy for the digital economy, a growing risk area is divergence between our international obligations and our domestic laws and policies. In particular, he notes trade secrets are the go-to intellectual property for algorithms, data, and secret processes and formulas, but Canada’s law, policy, and enforcement in this area are uncertain and weak, even as trade agreements impose requirements for stricter regulation and enforcement. Ultimately, Matt calls on Canada to adopt a proactive approach that contemplates the impact of such provisions in trade agreements on its domestic law and policy goals.

Read the research, Connecting the Dots: How Recent Trade Agreements Are Regulating the Digital Economy

Matt Malone

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, Thompson Rivers University

July 20, 2022  •  19-min listen

The last two years have changed the way we work and has made us reconsider ways of working, both from an employer and an employee point-of-view. While we know things have changed, data on how this is impacting workplaces is still quite sparse. This episode we hear how the Conference Board of Canada’s Human Capital team is working to fill in the gaps in HR trends and metrics.

We explore: what’s really happening with Canada’s “great resignation”; how to approach employee engagement; why some companies are adjusting their engagement strategies to deal with current and future challenges; and how where you work (remote, onsite or hybrid) is impacting these key metrics. These trends provide critical insights into the workforce and workplace of the future.

Access the research

Lauren Florko

Former Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

May 18, 2022  •  13-min listen

Digital trade is booming worldwide, but countries are struggling to define, measure, and track its impact. Swapna Nair discusses the challenges and opportunities Canada has to become a leader in the international sphere (and international standards) of digital trade.

Learn more:

Swapna Nair

Senior Economist and Global Commerce Centre Lead, Economic Innovation, The Conference Board of Canada

December 1, 2021  •  13-min listen

How has the pandemic impacted Canada’s immigration admissions? Dr. Iain Reeve explains what’s changed in our intake numbers and the characteristics that set the COVID-19 immigrant cohort apart.

Iain Reeve

Associate Director, Immigration, The Conference Board of Canada

May 11, 2021  •  18-min listen

In its November 30th fiscal update, Canada’s federal government tallied up the costs of COVID-19. The deficit will swell to $385 billion in 2020–21. The provinces and territories have also tallied record deficits—$92 billion, on aggregate. What do figures like these mean for our recovery? Keara talks to Chief Economist Pedro Antunes for these answers and more.

The full story: Challenges Ahead: Canada’s Post-Pandemic Fiscal Prospects

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

February 2, 2021  •  9-min listen

Canada’s track record on mortality rates due to cancer isn’t as good as you might think. Isabelle Gagnon-Arpin joins us to talk about provincial disparities, COVID-19’s impact on cancer detection, and how we measure up internationally.

The full story: Measure of Life: Is Canada Doing Enough to Reduce Deaths from Cancer?

Isabelle Gagnon-Arpin

Isabelle Gagnon-Arpin

Former Principal Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

December 9, 2020  •  8-min listen

Dr. Olateju returns to our podcast to talk plastics—and how the sustainable finance industry could give Canada’s plastics recycling market a much-needed boost.

The full story: Balancing power with capital in Canada’s circular plastics economy

Babatunde Olateju

Associate Director, Sustainability, The Conference Board of Canada

November 25, 2020  •  14-min listen

What happens when businesses go local on their supply chains—especially during COVID-19? Julie Adès from the Global Commerce Centre explains the motivations, trends, and possible impacts.

The full story: Bringing Them Home: Reshoring Supply Chains Is Not a Panacea.

Julie Adès

Julie Adès

Former Senior Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

November 4, 2020  •  10-min listen

Many Indigenous students in Canada experience science lessons as counterintuitive, if not outright alienating. It’s high time we incorporated First Nation, Inuit, and Métis perspectives on the natural world into mainstream K–12 science. Researcher Jane Cooper explains the educational landscape, current initiatives, the role of Elders and Knowledge Keepers, and what it will take to make it happen.

Access the free Impact paper: Curriculum and Reconciliation: Introducing Indigenous Perspectives into K–12 Science.

Jane Cooper

Former Researcher, The Conference Board of Canada

September 10, 2020  •  11-min listen

How can we go beyond traditional datasets when forecasting the future? Thomas Hindle explains.

Read the commentary, “Job postings plummet in March, slide continues in April.”

Thomas Hindle

Thomas Hindle

Former Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

September 2, 2020  •  9-min listen

Are interim solutions to climate change right under our noses? Dr. Babatunde Olateju explains how small modular nuclear reactors and hydrogen—energy technologies that have been around for years—could fill in the gaps between were we are and where we want to be.

Read the commentary, “Hydrogen is back—but will it break through?” and the issue briefing, Nuclear Energy: A Crossroad in a Climate Emergency, for more.

Babatunde Olateju

Associate Director, Sustainability, The Conference Board of Canada

August 26, 2020  •  15-min listen

Dr. Andrew Bieler explains why technological change is transforming Canada’s skilled trades—and why teaching skills like virtual collaboration, digital troubleshooting, and intergenerational communication needs to be on the agenda.

Check the impact paper, Bridging Generational Divides: Advancing Digital Skills in Canada’s Apprenticeships and Skilled Trades Ecosystem (September 2020)

Andrew Bieler

Andrew Bieler

Former Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

July 29, 2020  •  9-min listen

Most Canadians aren’t saving enough. How can financial advice help? Former Researcher Sheila Rao explains the symbiotic relationship between individual savings and Canada’s economy, and why it pays to get advice.

To find out how retaining financial advice pays off in the long run, check out our interactive page, Saving for the Future.

Shelia Rao

Sheila Rao

Former Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

July 22, 2020  •  8-min listen

What will this September look like for Canada’s students? Former Conference Board researchers Dr. Maria Giammarco and Nimi Pukulakatt look at campus social distancing and what’s at stake for Canada’s universities, colleges, and polytechnics.

The full story: Back to school? If post-secondary institutions open, will students go? (Commentary, June 11, 2020)

Maria Giammarco

Maria Giammarco

Former Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

Nimi Pukulakatt

Nimi Pukulakatt

Former Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

July 15, 2020  •  12-min listen

COVID-19 is a costly global challenge. How can Canada safely boost its economy in the continued presence of a pandemic? Chief Economist Pedro Antunes explains issues around the CERB benefit, universal basic income, and consumer confidence.

Read Pedro Antunes’s op-ed “Economic recovery in the time of COVID” originally published in The Hill Times on July 15, 2020.

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

July 8, 2020  •  8-min listen

Should I stay or should I go? Many Canadians are putting travel plans on hold this summer due to social distancing orders, border closings, and air travel restrictions. Researcher Jennifer Hendry and economist Robyn Gibbard explain The Conference Board of Canada’s travel outlook.

Check out the online experience: Should I stay or should I go? Travel intentions during a pandemic (May 5, 2020)

Jennifer Hendry

Senior Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

Robyn Gibbard

Robyn Gibbard

Former Senior Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

June 17, 2020  •  10-min listen

What makes workers vulnerable to automation, and which jobs are at risk? How has COVID-19 changed our views of “high-risk, low-mobility” roles? Former Innovation and Technology Research Associate Darren Gresch explains how technological innovations are changing Canada’s occupational landscape.

Check out the online experience: Bracing for Automation: What Are Canada’s Most Vulnerable Jobs? (May 28, 2020)

Darren Gresch

Darren Gresch

Former Research Associate, The Conference Board of Canada

June 10, 2020  •  9-min listen

How do you forecast the future when the future’s in flux? Our Economic Forecasting team’s associate directors reflect on the changing story of COVID-19—and how they pivoted to rewrite a nationwide outlook, one province at a time.

Alicia Macdonald

Alicia Macdonald

Former Associate Director, The Conference Board of Canada

Todd Crawford

Todd Crawford

Former Associate Director, The Conference Board of Canada

June 3, 2020  •  9-min listen

Canada has the chance to become a leader in sustainable finance—but we’re not there yet. Former Sustainability Director Roger Francis explains how two factors—effective disclosure and trustworthy data—are the key to making Canada’s sustainable finance ecosystem a reality.

Check out the issue briefing: A Chance to Lead: Overcoming Barriers to Sustainable Finance (April 24, 2020)

Roger Francis

Roger Francis

Former Director, Sustainability, The Conference Board of Canada

May 27, 2020  •  8-min listen

Former Human Capital Director Allison Cowan takes us behind the scenes of our popular HR survey series, Working Through COVID-19, with a spotlight on returning to work.

Alison Cowan

Allison Cowan

Former Director, Human Capital, The Conference Board of Canada

May 20, 2020  •  10-min listen

Indigenous communities are navigating COVID-19 with traditional skills and ingenuity. But is local-level resilience enough? Indigenous and Northern Communities Director Stefan Fournier takes us through the unique challenges and risks these groups are facing, and what they’re doing from coast to coast to help their most vulnerable citizens.

Stefan Fournier

Director, Indigenous & Northern Communities, The Conference Board of Canada

May 13, 2020  •  11-min listen

It’s hard to teach soft skills. Former Education and Skills Director Matt McKean explains how social and emotional skills are key to surviving and thriving this pandemic together. We also look at how Canadian employers and educators can foster social and emotional skills development—both now and post-COVID-19. 

Matt McKean

Matt McKean

Former Director, Education & Skills, The Conference Board of Canada

May 6, 2020  •  10-min listen

Thanks to the security of our supply chains, Canadians can still access vital goods and technologies during COVID-19. But what happens when part of that chain breaks down from a cyber attack? Our former Innovation and Technology Director Harry Sharma explains how the global pandemic is highlighting cyber vulnerabilities along our global supply chains. 

Harry Sharma

Harry Sharma

Former Director, Innovation & Technology, The Conference Board of Canada

April 29, 2020  •  10-min listen

As we experience the hottest summer on record, reaching our Net Zero goals has become one of the most urgent challenges of our time. Canada’s target is to achieve a net-zero economy—either emitting no greenhouse gases or offsetting any emissions—by 2050, with critical milestones set for 2030.

In this episode, we examine Canada’s progress toward these goals and explore how the economics of this transition will impact Canadians in various ways.

Additional resources:

Tony Bonen
John McNally

September 25, 2024  •  33-min listen

The last four years have brought many changes to the ways in which we live, work, and shop. These new habits are reshaping cities, and the road to the new normal is proving very bumpy for cities across the country.  In this episode, our guests explore how cities are reinventing themselves and talk about the critical role cities, and the people and businesses that comprise them, form the backbone of our economy.

Learn more:

Mary W. Rowe
Pedro Antunes

July 24, 2024  •  32-min listen

The April 2024 federal budget is like game seven of a Stanley Cup playoff run for economists.  It’s a critical time when decisions on spending and taxation are made that can help or hinder our economic direction.

In this special episode we call on various members of The Conference Board of Canada’s economic forecasting unit to help make sense of the key announcements in the budget. 

Read the commentary

Image Unavailable

May 8, 2024  •  35-min listen

Everyone from the Bank of Canada to leading economists from across the country are discussing what’s at the root of Canada’s productivity challenges.  

To help us sort through the discussion, I’m joined this episode by the Conference Board of Canada’s Director of Economic Research Tony Bonen and the Founder and Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of Living Standards (CSLS) Andrew Sharpe.

We discuss how we should understand productivity and why it’s important for it to improve.  Near the end of the episode we hear about new research from the Conference Board of Canada linking skills to our productivity challenges.  We’ll hear that Tony thinks this is a promising new avenue—in part because there are many levers that the government can use to support skills development.

Explore our research

Tony Bonen

Director of Economic Research, The Conference Board of Canada

Andrew Sharpe

Founder and Executive Director, Centre for the Study of Living Standards

April 18, 2024  •  26-min listen

In this episode, we delve into the minds of CEOs, exploring their concerns and insights as revealed in the 25th edition of the C-Suite survey conducted by The Conference Board. Our guests, Dana Peterson, Chief Economist, The Conference Board, and Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada, provide a comprehensive analysis of the survey results, shedding light on the external and internal risks preoccupying global, U.S., and Canadian business leaders.

Additional resource:

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Dana Peterson

Chief Economist, The Conference Board

March 6, 2024  •  27-min listen

In this final episode of 2023, we invite two leading economists to explore key issues facing the Canadian economy. We delve into how the world of work is evolving and consider whether Canada might be lagging behind other nations that are more readily adapting to the future of work. Additionally, we examine the increasing role of industrial policies as a strategy for governments to influence various aspects of the economy, ranging from supply chains to environmental performance. We also discuss the challenges Canada and Canadians are confronting as we enter 2024.

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Linda Nazareth

Economist, Futurist, and Expert on the Future of Work

December 13, 2023  •  19-min listen

Over the past months, various players have come out to point a finger at the role immigration is playing in a long list of what ails our country.

From inflation, to housing affordability, to struggling post-secondary institutions, new Canadians have become an easy target. Our guests Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist at the Conference Board and Kathryn Dennler, Senior Researcher in the Conference Board’s Immigration Knowledge Area to shed some light on the realities of Canada’s immigration system.

They talk about how Canada’s record numbers of new Canadians is impacting our economy. They discuss Conference Board of Canada research that highlights how immigration can be an effective tool in helping to reduce the housing affordability crisis.

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Senior Research Associate, Immigration, The Conference Board of Canada

October 22, 2023  •  21-min listen

Doomsday scenarios are the currency of the day when it comes to artificial intelligence’s impact on the jobs market.  But technologists aren’t always that great at economic forecasting. To help us sort through the hype, we’re joined this episode by Mike Burt, Vice-President at the Conference Board of Canada and Benjamin F. Jones, Professor of Strategy at Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in Illinois. 

Mike and Ben share their assessments of how artificial intelligence is impacting jobs—drawing a key distinction between whole jobs and the various tasks that make up a job.  You’ll hear why the promise of this new technology represents a sea change in the way that economists have thought about the risks from job automation.  You’ll hear what fears they think are real and whether they are optimistic that new technologies will help to address persistent challenges like Canada’s underperforming innovation sector or broader economic inequality.

Michael Burt

Vice-President, The Conference Board of Canada

Benjamin F. Jones

Professor of Strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

September 20, 2023  •  30-min listen

The year 2023 has already marked itself as Canada’s worst forest fire season in history, and it’s only July. A glance at today’s fire map reveals almost every province battling blazes that have spiraled out of control.

In this episode, our guests Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist of The Conference Board of Canada and Derek Nighbor, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Forest Products Association of Canada, discuss the impacts on people, the economy and communities of the forest fires we’ve seen so far this year.  We discuss how climate change is making forestry management a more critical task and how the increased risks we’re seeing from fires and other climate related issues are further complicating the task of economists who are mapping out the direction of our economy.

We discuss what else can be done to prevent forest fires from getting out of control in the future. We also explore whether record breaking forest fires, and the smoke that they bring to communities across Canada, is something that we should be preparing for in the future.

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Derek Nihbor

President and Chief Executive Officer, Forest Products Association of Canada

July 12, 2023  •  29-min listen

The pandemic created upward pressure on housing and recent increases in interest rates are pushing affordability even further away for some. The OECD now ranks Canada as having the most expensive housing market among all other G7 countries. 

Our guests this episode explore how we got to this point and what if anything can be done to create a more affordable housing market. They share that not only are housing prices forecasted to continue to rise, but that the affordability crisis is extending deep into the rental markets. This is further deepening the crisis and creates greater pressure for near and long-term solutions.

Tony Bonen

Director, Economic Research, The Conference Board of Canada

John Pasalis

President, Realosophy Realty

May 24, 2023  •  30-min listen

In this episode, our guests Pedro Antunes, Chief Economist of The Conference Board of Canada, and Kevin Page, founding President and CEO of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy at the University of Ottawa, discuss the evolving definition of fiscal responsibility in 2023. They address key issues such as the lack of consensus around debts and deficits, the influence of macroeconomic drivers on federal spending, the potential need for revenue increases, and the consequences of borrowing from future generations. They also provide advice to government policymakers as they navigate complex challenges like fiscal sustainability, growth, inflation, rising interest rates, war in Ukraine, climate change, and energy transition. 

Read more:

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Kevin Page

Founding President and CEO, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, University of Ottawa

April 19, 2023  •  25-min listen

In this episode of Economics Matters, we look behind the curtain at the world of economic forecasting.  Our colleague Ted Mallett, The Conference Board of Canada’s Director of Economic Forecasting, gives us his take on how he and his team approach business of economic forecasting. 

We discuss the mechanics of economic forecasting, the models, the data sources as well as the ways in which Ted and his team incorporate observations on human behaviours to guide the outputs of the models and derive meaningful insights on the direction of the economy.

Ted Mallett

Director, Economic Forecasting, The Conference Board of Canada

March 22, 2023  •  26-min listen

For economists, inequality is a critical issue because the more unequal a society is, the more challenging it is for that economy to grow and thrive. 

This episode we explore the data on inequality in Canada to separate fact from fiction. We discuss whether inequality is growing in Canada and whether the way in which economists normally approach inequality is up to the task of addressing the various topics that often get lumped into discussions of inequality.

Read more:

Pedro Antunes

Chief Economist, The Conference Board of Canada

Mike Moffatt

Mike Moffatt

Senior Director of Policy and Innovation, Smart Prosperity Institute

February 22, 2023  •  23-min listen

Canada used to pride itself as being one of the best places to live in the world, but our international ranking is on the decline. Many people have questions about the long-term economic growth path for the country. How will demographic issues—high retirements and low birth rates—impact the country? Will Canada ever solve the innovation and productivity challenge that we face? How can Canadian policy-makers take steps today to help to build a better future.

In this episode, we hear two leading economists assess Canada’s long-term economic growth prospects and what steps we can take as a country to improve our performance in the future.

Read more:

Sohaib Shahid

Director, Economic Innovation, The Conference Board of Canada

Brett House

Brett House

Professor, Professional Practice in Economics, Columbia Business School; Fellow with the Public Policy Forum, the Munk School, and Massey College

January 25, 2023  •  37-min listen

As we near the end of December, many economists are looking back at the year that was. But that’s the past. What can we expect for the future?

We’ve asked two leading economic thinkers to give us their forecasts on the key issues that the Canadian economy will face in 2023. Will the Bank of Canada’s initiatives be enough keep inflation down next year? What will the impact of monetary and fiscal policy be and where should government spending go? What will the impact of broader geopolitical challenges be on the Canadian economy? And, what questions should business leaders be asking about how and how often Canadian workers will return to the office in the year to come?

Our guests share their outlooks for the year to come for the Canadian economy.

Read more:

Sohaib Shahid

Director, Economic Innovation, The Conference Board of Canada

Stephen Tapp

Stephen Tapp

Chief Economist, Canadian Chamber of Commerce

December 21, 2022  •  32-min listen

Canada’s labour market is facing an unprecedented set of challenges.

We keep hearing the dual realities of low unemployment levels but high job vacancies. There is a loud and growing chorus of business owners who complain that they can’t find the workers they need. And workers are increasingly expressing their frustration with the jobs they do have.

From the great-resignation, to quiet quitting. From the turbulence that is affecting industries as diverse as travel, hospitality, restaurants, and healthcare to the ongoing pressure to address wages without creating a wage-price spiral. Something is happening in the Canadian labour force.

In this episode of Economics Matters, we will be examining the causes of Canada’s labour market turmoil.

Read more:

Michael Burt

Vice President, The Conference Board of Canada

Armine Yalnizyan

Armine Yalnizyan

Economist and Atkinson Fellow, Future of Workers

November 30, 2022  •  40-min listen

In our first episode, we deal with one of the biggest questions facing our economy—what is Canada’s risk of falling into a recession and what, if anything, can be done about it. To answer this question, our guests Sohaib Shahid Director of Economic Innovation at The Conference Board of Canada and Jimmy Jean, Vice-President, Chief Economist and Strategist for the Desjardins Group share their views on whether Canada’s recession risk is increasing and provide their suggestions for how policy makers can work to minimize its effects.

Read our outlook: There’s a 70 Per Cent Probability of a Recession Next Year

Sohaib Shahid

Director, Economic Innovation, The Conference Board of Canada

Jimmy Jean

Jimmy Jean

Vice President, Strategist and Chief Economist, Desjardins Group

October 19, 2022  •  37-min listen

Read the Canadian findings from PwC’s 24th annual CEO Survey

Our climate is changing. How are organizations changing in return? Shelley Gilberg and Sarah Marsh from PwC explain how leading businesses’ net-zero carbon, ESG reporting, and sustainability strategies are evolving for a new world.

Visit PwC’s Net Zero Hub

Shelley Gilberg

ESG Markets & Consulting Leader, PwC Canada

Sarah Marsh

Partner, PwC and ESG Report & Assurance Leader, PwC Canada

November 10, 2021  •  16-min listen

Are organizations doing enough to protect their data—and their clients’ trust? PwC cyber risk experts Saj Nair and Jenn Johnson discuss CEO/CIO strategies, budgets, and why simplicity matters.

Privacy, safety, reliability, and fraud:

Jennifer Johnson

CP&FC Hot Topic Markets Leader, PwC Canada

Sajith Nair

Lead, National Cybersecurity, Privacy & Financial Crime, PwC Canada

October 27, 2021  •  24-min listen

PwC’s annual CEO survey is a big indicator of business confidence. The bottom line for 2021: Canadian CEOs are optimistic—and anticipate immense growth in the upcoming year—but they’ll need to be smart about their priorities to sustain it. In this first episode of our mini-series exploring CEOs’ plans for the future, National Managing Partner Matthew Wetmore shares insights from PwC’s 24th Annual Global CEO survey.

Matthew Wetmore

National Managing Partner, Industry & Regions, PwC Canada

June 1, 2021  •  16-min listen

The role of technology in Canada’s post-pandemic recovery is top of mind right now at IBM Canada. How are they responding to businesses’ need for speed, flexibility and agility in 2021.

We learn from President and General Manager Claude Guay about how IBM is helping companies accelerate their digital transformations. He talks about how technologies like hybrid cloud and artificial intelligence as well as investing in people and skills will play a critical role in Canada’s recovery.

Learn more about IBM’s P-TECH program and see the highlights from IBM’s C-suite research

Claude Guay

Claude Guay

President and General Manager, IBM Canada

January 27, 2021  •  20-min listen

Richard Chartrand, 3M’s USAC R&D Operations and Canada Sustainability Leader, explains how 3M is balancing sustainability and innovation—and how a company known for over 100 years of ingenuity is planning a better future for everyone.

Learn more about 3M’s initiatives

Richard Chartrand

Richard Chartrand

USAC R&D Operations and Canada Sustainability Leader, 3M

October 21, 2021  •  12-min listen

Chris Dulny, PwC’s Chief Innovation Officer, explains how rapid technological change demands new skills to help people thrive and future-proof themselves in the new world. This affects every company.

Learn about PwC’s journey and check out their New world. New skills initiative.

Chris Dulny

Chris Dulny

Chief Innovation Officer, PwC Canada

September 30, 2021  •  16-min listen

Discover how two major Surrey, B.C. projects are repurposing and reinventing the region. We talk to Rowena Rizzotti, Vice President, Healthcare & Innovation of Lark Group in British Columbia, about the Health & Technology District and the Legion Veterans Village.

Rowena Rizzotti

Rowena Rizzotti

Vice President, Healthcare & Innovation, Lark Group

September 23, 2021  •  14-min listen

How did COVID-19 change the face of Alberta’s health innovation sector? We talk to Tim Murphy, VP of Health at Alberta Innovates, about health-system discoveries during a crisis.

Tim Murphy

Tim Murphy

VP of Health, Alberta Innovates

September 16, 2021  •  12-min listen

Discover how Bauer Hockey started manufacturing protective face shields during COVID-19. We talk to Dan Bourgeois, VP of Product Innovation, about Bauer’s journey from idea to reality.

Check out Bauer’s products.

Dan Bourgeois

Dan Bourgeois

VP of Product Innovation, Bauer Hockey

July 23, 2021  •  10-min listen

Discover more about the digital divide and how TELUS is supporting meaningful change.

Today, farming relies on digital tools as another key input. But is our digital infrastructure up to the needs of modern agriculture? Dr. Helen Hambly of the University of Guelph talks to Keara about the changing needs of agriculture—and how well Canada’s digital backbone is supporting farmers.

Helem Hambly

Dr. Helen Hambly

Professor, School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph

February 22, 2022  •  23-min listen

What happens when healthcare goes virtual? COVID-19 has ushered in a new era of widespread telemedicine and digital healthcare, but will it last beyond the pandemic? Keara talks to RAND Senior Economist Marco Hafner to understand how Canada can get up to speed in telemedicine—and understand the benefits, barriers, and risks.

Marco Hafner

Marco Hafner

Senior Economist, RAND Corporation

October 20, 2021  •  19-min listen

Power, prices, and choice: Canada’s Competition Act hasn’t been updated in two decades. What does this mean for digital competition in Canada, and the ways we could bridge the digital divide? Keara talks to two leading researchers for a lively discussion on how Canada’s competition space has changed in the digital age—and what needs to be done to ensure an equitable playing field for all.

Vass Bednar

Vass Bednar

Executive Director, Master of Public Policy in Digital Society, McMaster University

Robin Shaban

Robin Shaban

Co-founder and Senior Economist, Vivic Research

July 21, 2021  •  38-min listen

COVID-19 has exacerbated the digital divide—the gap between Canadians who have reliable, fast broadband Internet access and those who don’t. What can we do to close it? In this first episode of our five-part series on the digital divide, Sam Andrey and Helaina Gaspard talk about the complications, challenges, and solutions in increasing digital access and adoption for all Canadians.

Helania Gaspard

Helaina Gaspard

Director of Governance and Institutions, Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, University of Ottawa

Sam Andrey

Director of Policy and Research, Ryerson Leadership Lab

June 30, 2021  •  25-min listen

Of course, analytics helps the internal operations and management of an organization but how is that, in turn, helping their customers? In this final episode of our five-part series on data analytics, Carolyn Loh talks with host Takara Small about how data analytics can help deepen relationships with customers, and how to better communicate to the public about how data analytics can actually benefit them..

Carolyn Loh

Carolyn Loh

VP Analytics & Insights, AcuityAds Inc.

June 6, 2022  •  18-min listen

Organizations often struggle with fostering a data and analytics culture to the detriment of their analytics programs. In this fourth episode of our five-part series on data analytics, Tamara Augsten talks with host Takara Small about her work with data visualization and how organizations can build a culture that makes workers excited to engage in data analytics.

Data visualization at work:

Tamara Augsten

Tamara Augsten

Senior Systems Integrator (Data Visualization), Toronto Public Health, City of Toronto

May 16, 2022  •  26-min listen

Analytics has a major role in enabling innovation-induced growth among small and medium sized businesses, allowing them to scale-up rapidly. In this third episode of our five-part series on data analytics, Maxime Cohen talks with host Takara Small about the necessary steps for managers and owners to jump into the data analytics space, as well why small and medium sized organizations cannot afford to ignore data analytics.

Maxime Cohen

Maxime Cohen

Scale AI Chair Professor and Co-director, Retail Innovation Lab, McGill University; Chief AI Officer, ELNA Medical

May 23, 2022  •  21-min listen

Governments, businesses, non-profits, and academia have tremendous potential to use data to help move forward on their sustainable development goals to make the world a better place. In this second episode of our five-part series on data analytics, Vanitha Lucas talks with host Takara Small about how data can be used to promote social change and what problems data can help solve.

Vanitha Lucas

Vanitha Lucas

Customer Success, Tableau

May 16, 2022  •  26-min listen

With massive amounts of data generated every day in organizations, knowing what data is, how to analyze it, and how to communicate and share it is becoming an increasingly necessary skill for everyone. In this first episode of our five-part series on data analytics, Ashley Howard Neville talks with host Takara Small about why everyone should care about data literacy as well as what workers can do to help future-proof their careers.

Learn more: Bridging the data literacy gap between academia and the workforce

Ashley Howard Neville

Ashley Howard Neville

Senior Evangelist, Tableau

May 9, 2022  •  23-min listen

All Episodes