Opportunity for All: Improving Workplace Experiences and Career Outcomes for Canadians With Disabilities

Opportunity for All: Improving Workplace Experiences and Career Outcomes for Canadians With Disabilities

Education & Skills
Pages:16 pages18 min read

Author: Jane Hutchison, Tanzeela Faisal


This research examines the barriers that Canadians with disabilities face in the workplace and offers strategies that employers and governments can undertake to improve career advancement for people with disabilities.

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In this research, we analyze the findings of 30 interviews of Canadian working professionals with disabilities who have expertise in accessible employment.

What key barriers limit career advancement for people with disabilities (PwD)? What can employers do to reduce barriers and improve career opportunities for PwD? What can governments do?

Read the issue briefing to get our full analysis.

Key findings
Barriers to career advancement
Appendix A—Methodology
Appendix B—Selected resources
Appendix C—Bibliography

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