Future of Work

The way we work is changing at an accelerated rate. Stay ahead of the curve with the latest insights on the future of the workplace.

Human Resources   July 15, 2024

This series explores trending topics in human resources (HR) using two methods: spotlight reports and case studies. The spotlight reports are short, easily digestible pieces that examine best practices in the HR space.

Online experience  •  8-min read

Labour Relations Outlook

Human Resources   July 4, 2024

The Labour Relations Outlook explores key themes in collective bargaining for 2024, such as projected wage increases and salary freezes and implications of the post-inflationary economic climate and anticipated slowdown. Part II now available.

Online experience  •  8-min read

Canadian Human Resources Metrics Benchmarking

Human Resources   June 17, 2024

Build and refine your Human Resources practices for managing your teams. Understand the current business environment, and know what’s changing. Our data from across Canadian industries and regions will help you see where you excel and where you can grow.

Online experience  •  8-min read

Understanding Hiring Demand for Social and Emotional Skills

Education & Skills   June 13, 2024

Social and emotional skills (SES) play a vital role in navigating the complexities of the modern workplace. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries and automate routine tasks, employers are recognizing the significance of fostering SES in the workforce.

Data briefing  •  15-min read
Partner: Future Skills Centre

SES in the Workplace: Insights From Canadian Employers

Education & Skills   June 13, 2024

We asked employers about the kinds of SES they want in new hires, how they assess SES during hiring, and the challenges they face when recruiting for and evaluating these skills.

Issue briefing  •  13-min read
Partner: Future Skills Centre

Employers’ Insights on Social and Emotional Skills

Education & Skills   June 13, 2024

Social and emotional skills (SES)—also called soft, human, or people skills—are increasingly important for the future of work. What types of SES are employers looking for? How do they assess these skills? What challenges are employers facing recruiting employees with strong SES?

Summary for executives  •  3-min read
Partner: Future Skills Centre

An Analysis of the Demand for Green Skills in Canada

Education & Skills   June 6, 2024

The threat of climate change is driving an urgent need to decrease reliance on unsustainable practices and technologies in the workplace. The transition to the green economy is expected to create new employment opportunities and surging demand for green expertise for the sustainable jobs of today and tomorrow.

Data briefing  •  10-min read
Partner: Future Skills Centre

Our Partnership with Future Skills Centre

Canadians need to prepare for a changing labour market and learning ecosystem. FSC is your go-to resource for the skills people need and the paths to get there.

HR Metrics Benchmarking: Exploring How HR Professionals Are Using AI

Human Resources   May 29, 2024

This research provides benchmark data for key areas in human resources (HR) that will allow organizations to compare their own position with other employers in their sector or industry. In addition, the Trends in human resources section explores a new and emerging topic: Using artificial intelligence (AI) to support human resources management.

Data briefing  •  20-min read

Following a Step Forward, Business Confidence Retracts

Canadian Economics   April 23, 2024

The Index’s rebound was short-lived. After falling in nine consecutive quarters, the Index of Business Confidence finally rose in January, marking the end to a historic downturn. However, this ascent proved to be transient, as evidenced by the latest 3.6-point decline.

Quick take  •  3-min read

Compensation Planning Outlook

Human Resources   March 12, 2024

Each year, the Conference Board’s Compensation Planning Outlook provides a trusted forecast for compensation and HR professionals across the country. This report gives the most up-to-date data, essential for any organization looking to secure the talent they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Online experience  •  8-min read

How Generative AI Could Close Canada’s Productivity Gap and Reshape the Workplace

Innovation & Technology   February 20, 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is upending work as we know it. Though these tools are still in their infancy, they can already summarize documents, analyze reams of data, forecast trends, and support code development.

Impact paper  •  30-min read

Reawakening Optimism: Business Confidence Ascends at Last

Canadian Economics   February 1, 2024

The Index of Business Confidence rose for the first time in over two years. This upturn could be a sign of the clouds starting to clear for firms from an investment standpoint. However, several factors are currently having adverse effects on planned investment expenditures, including high interest rates, rising labour costs, government policies, and shortage of qualified staff.

Quick take  •  3-min read

Conversational hands at a table with a laptop and a notebook.

Building a Resilient Workforce: Meeting Employer Demand for Social and Emotional Skills in the 21st Century

Human Resources   October 24, 2023

The Conference Board of Canada, on behalf of the Future Skills Centre, is exploring how Canadian employers identify and assess social and emotional skills (SES) in new and potential employees.

Online experience  •  17-min read
Partner: Future Skills Centre