Centre for Business Insights on Immigration

Supporting New Talent to Advance Canada’s Future

Canada’s immigration system underperforms at quickly connecting immigrants with opportunities that match their skills, education, and experience. This leads to inadequate economic outcomes for immigrants and fails to meet employers’ skilled labour needs.

That’s why we established the Centre for Business Insights on Immigration (CBII), a leading research collective designed to strengthen employer engagement in immigration and effective management of immigrant talent.

Funded By

Bridging Divides

Why Become a Funder?

Create more impact through a collective research initiative.

Funding members can help shape the future of Canada by ensuring independent, evidence-based immigration research is developed and delivered to government, business, and civil society decision-makers. Pooling research dollars lets your money go further, enabling Conference Board economists and researchers to create more robust and impactful research. 

Our Objectives

Help to accelerate immigrants’ full economic integration into Canada.

Create and publish research on balancing labour-market demand and human capital in immigrant selection.

Recent Releases and Events

Become a Funder

Make Canada’s future bright by enabling evidence-based immigration research.