The Conference Board CEO Challenge 2014®: People and Performance

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The Conference Board CEO Challenge 2014®: People and Performance

Human Resources

Author: Bart van Ark, Charles Mitchell, Rebecca L. Ray


The 2014 edition of the CEO Challenge survey finds business leaders across the globe are zeroed in on not only what gets done but more importantly how things get done. They are shrugging off a relatively slow growing global economy and focusing on people, performance, reconnecting with customers, and reshaping the culture of work. They also see a renewed commitment to customers, innovation, and the corporate brand, aided by the use of big data, as keys to driving growth. And to accomplish this, they recognize the importance of developing an engaged workforce and a diverse and accountable leadership team.

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While CEOs see talent as the critical link in meeting their top business challenges, the 2014 CEO Challenge survey results show a heightened focus on customers and reputation and less concern about regulation and external risk.

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