Real Connections in a Virtual World: Designing Remote Workplaces for Social Connections

Real Connections in a Virtual World: Designing Remote Workplaces for Social Connections

Human Resources
Pages:15 pages15 min read

Author: Dilys Leman, Diogo Borba, Leah Ringwald


Canadian employers are concerned about social connectedness and workplace isolation as organizations have moved toward flexible work arrangements that do not rely on physical or in-person collaboration.

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In this research we look at social connectedness and workplace isolation due to remote and hybrid models and employers’ efforts to foster social connections in the workplace. Most employers use a model that overlaps in-person workdays among team members.

Do current strategies aimed to foster social connections meet the needs of remote and hybrid workers? Are organizations’ assessments of their efforts to foster social connections and workplace collaboration based on robust evidence? And how can employers create workplace environments that meet the varying needs of people and groups?

Read the issue briefing to get our full analysis.

Key findings
Adapting to Change: Social Connections in the Era of Flexible Work
What We Know About Social Connections in the Workplace
An Increasingly Virtual Work Environment
Raises Concerns About Social Connections
Social Connections in Canadian Organizations: HR Leaders’ Perspectives
Sketching the Map As You Go: Preparing for the Challenges Ahead
Our Research on Social Connections in the Workplace
Appendix A—Methodology
Appendix B—Bibliography

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