Risk Watch: Thought Leadership in Risk and Governance—Special Edition

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Risk Watch: Thought Leadership in Risk and Governance—Special Edition

Human Resources

Author: Richard Worzel


Five Wild Cards: A Futurist’s View of Tomorrow is a special edition of Risk Watch—a tri-annual journal of original articles from leading global thinkers and practitioners on risk management and corporate governance. The author, esteemed futurist Richard Worzel, offers several radically different views of the 21st century. In his article, Mr. Worzel presents the following five “wild cards”: China, the Aging Giant; The Re-Emergence of Cheap Oil; The Rise of Robots and Computer Intelligence; The Ability to Live Forever; and Old and Poor: The Future of the Developed World. These wild cards will cause you to read, pause, reread, and think—and inform your planning for that elusive future we all face.

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Canada’s leading futurist, Richard Worzel, has developed a special article for Risk Watch. The five “wild cards” he describes in his article offer several radically different views on the 21st century.

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