Losing Steam: U.S. Five-Year Outlook—November 2023

Losing Steam: U.S. Five-Year Outlook—November 2023

20 min read

Author: Meghan Eibner


This quarterly report focuses on the latest economic developments in the U.S. economy, tracking trends in labour, consumer, energy, and housing markets and examining industries and regions. Monetary and fiscal policy assumptions are also included.

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This quarter, we look at the performance of the U.S. economy, consumer spending, and the labour and housing market.

After 11 interest rate increases, how has inflation been affected? When can we project a return to target range? Will consumer spending be enough to stave off a recession? What is the outlook for the housing market and vehicle sales? How will the loosening labor market impact jobs and wage growth?

Read the online experience to get our full analysis.


Disclaimer: Forecasts and research often involve numerous assumptions and data sources and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. This information is not intended as specific investment, accounting, legal, or tax advice.

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