A Rocky Road Ahead: The Northwest Territories’ Outlook to 2045

Yellowknife and Great Slave Lake in winter, NWT

A Rocky Road Ahead: The Northwest Territories’ Outlook to 2045

Pages:15 pages20 min read

Author: The Conference Board of Canada


The Northwest Territories’ Outlook to 2045 provides the economic and fiscal outlook for the Northwest Territories, including output by industry, labour markets, and demographics.

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In this biannual briefing, we share our forecast for the Northwest Territories. Our outlook includes gross domestic product, industry output, labour markets, and demographics.

Production at diamond mines is declining. Which new projects could help to offset the losses incurred from lower diamond production? What is the economic impact of the recent wildfires? How will demographic factors and the transition toward net zero impact the economy in the years ahead?

Read the issue briefing to get our full analysis.

Key findings
Declining diamonds exert pressure
Labour markets

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