Colorectal Cancer Care Pathways in Ontario and Quebec
Free Webinar • June 17, 2021
Like most of the healthcare system, the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted colorectal cancer care pathways, but there is opportunity to get back on track and realize greater value for both patients and health systems.
This webinar draws on key findings from The Conference Board of Canada’s report Care Pathways in Oncology: A Value-Based Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Care in Ontario and Quebec.
Moderated by Barry D. Stein, President of Colorectal Cancer Canada, the session will engage our panelists representing clinician champions and patient advocacy group leaders in a dynamic discussion on the opportunities for deriving more value from colorectal care pathways in Ontario and Quebec.
Join us to explore:
- What’s driving the variation in colorectal cancer care delivery?
- What have we learned from adaptations to care pathways due to COVID-19?
- How can care pathways be made more patient-centric and why should we care?
- Pathway adherence and systematic measurement of value—a nuisance or a key to improving care?
Please join Dr. Gerald Batist, Director, McGill Centre for Translational Research in Cancer; Dr. Bill Evans, Professor Emeritus, Department of Oncology, McMaster University; Eva Villalba, Executive Director, Quebec Cancer Coalition; and Barry Stein, President and CEO, Colorectal Cancer Canada for this engaging discussion.
Thank you to all our Value-Based Healthcare sponsors for making this webinar possible.