Views From the Front Line: Taking the Pulse of Canada’s Healthcare Professionals

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Views From the Front Line: Taking the Pulse of Canada’s Healthcare Professionals

Human Resources
Pages:2 pages3 min read

Author: Chad Leaver, Nicola Waters


COVID-19 has had a huge impact on those at the front lines of healthcare.

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COVID-19 has had a huge impact on those at the front lines of healthcare. Here’s what Canadian clinicians want you to know about how it’s affected their work and well-being.

Document Highlights

The Conference Board of Canada surveyed 200 healthcare professionals in September 2021. The three major issues were changing work conditions, lack of recognition and support, and keeping self and others safe.

Over 50 per cent of physicians and nurses who answered our survey said they often felt unsupported or ill-equipped for the changes taking place. Ninety-seven per cent of clinicians reported that fatigue and burnout have increased in their workplace.

Not all is negative. Nurses and doctors plan to keep some new practices, particularly infection control measures such as mask wearing, social distancing, and changing scrubs frequently.

Four clear strategies emerged when participants ranked them, including restructuring healthcare delivery and workforce models.

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