In this research, we discuss major gaps in Canada’s planning for emergency management and community resilience and examine the approaches of three peer countries to provide recommendations to improve Canada’s disaster recovery.
How can Canada be better prepared for disasters, which are becoming ever more frequent and costly? Which dimensions of community resilience should be considered when preparing for disasters and planning recovery? What lessons can we draw from the community-led approaches of the United States, Australia, and New Zealand to strengthen Canada’s plan for disaster recovery?
Read the impact paper to get our full analysis.
Cette publication est disponible en français.
A changing risk landscape
A framework for emergency management and disaster recovery
The evolution of Canada’s disaster recovery system
What do recent expert reviews say?
Learning resilience from others
National recovery frameworks: providing a foundation
From recovery frameworks to a comprehensive resilience agenda
Toward a resilient recovery agenda for Canada
Appendix A—Resilience indicators
Appendix B—Methodology
Appendix C—Bibliography
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