In this final instalment of our three-part value-based procurement (VBP) research series, we propose a strategy and recommendations for scaling VBP as a component of value-based healthcare in Canada.
- Methodologies and frameworks that support system-level value-based procurement (VBP) in Canada are scarce, lack grounding in systemic value-based healthcare principles and secondary implementation criteria, and aren’t measured or tracked across provinces/territories.
- Based on the most economically advantageous tender approach to procurement in healthcare, we anticipate that around two-thirds of evidence-based medical technology tenders in Canada could incorporate some element of value-based outcomes.
- The biggest opportunity to adopt VBP at scale is for provincial/territorial healthcare investments to incentivize value, outcomes, and costs over acquisition price.
- Canada should adopt a multi-pronged strategy that addresses:
- current issues with healthcare funding and finance model design;
- the lack of data and evidence to align action and monitor progress;
- the need to educate stakeholders and professionals on VBP and galvanize capacity to scale efforts;
- required changes to procurement policies and legislation to guide best practices and ensure adaptive system and organizational governance.
Key Findings
Canada Is at a Crossroads
Defining VBP in the Canadian Context
Funding Reforms Are Needed
What Will It Take to Scale VBP?
Systemic Implementation Success Factors
The Way Forward
Appendix A—Methodology
Appendix B—Examples of Applied VBP Policies, Tools, and Practices
Appendix C—Bibliography
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