Shaping the Canadian Low-Carbon Economy: A Discussion Paper

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Shaping the Canadian Low-Carbon Economy: A Discussion Paper

Pages:30 pages8 min read

Author: Glen Hodgson


This initial discussion paper looks at how the Conference Board of Canada’s new Centre on the Low-Carbon Growth Economy will help to shape the low-carbon economy in the decades ahead.


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Document Highlights

Canada’s transition toward a low-carbon economy has begun. Ambitious targets have been set internationally and domestically, including the “stretch” goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050. The policy framework to guide the transition, and specific proposals and actions, are now being actively debated daily. Yet progress is uneven across Canadian sectors, regions, and governments. An initial pan-Canadian policy framework has been introduced but is still a work in progress, with differences on objectives and policy in some important areas.

Now is a good time to develop an overall framework for shaping the low-carbon economy in Canada—what it might look like, and the policies and practices that will guide us there. This framework, outlined in the Discussion Paper: Shaping the Canadian Low-Carbon Economy, will help to define the research program for a new centre at The Conference Board of Canada, the Centre on the Low-Carbon Growth Economy.

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