This report examines education in the context of Northern communities. Its primary objective is to explore Northern experiences and share lessons learned, practices, and models that Northerners believe are having a positive impact on educational outcomes.
Lessons Learned: Achieving Positive Educational Outcomes in Northern Communities

Lessons Learned: Achieving Positive Educational Outcomes in Northern Communities
Canada is regarded as a world leader in educational outcomes. However, this appears to be true for only part of the country. Northerners lag behind their Southern counterparts in terms of high school, post-secondary, and—especially—university attainment. Lessons Learned examines education in the context of Northern communities, with the primary objective of exploring Northern experiences and sharing lessons learned, practices, and models that Northerners believe are having a positive impact on educational outcomes. The report highlights a number of critical factors involved in positive learning. By sharing examples of Northern educational practices and models that could be adopted more broadly throughout the North, the report offers insights and ideas on ways to tackle the challenges identified.