Access and Time to Patient: Prescription Drugs in Canada—January 2024

Access and Time to Patient: Prescription Drugs in Canada—January 2024

Pages:15 pages8 min read

Author: The Conference Board of Canada


This data briefing examines the time it takes for drugs to become publicly available to patients, with breakdowns by year, province, and therapeutic area (e.g., oncology, rare disease).

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Delays in patient access to drugs that have been deemed effective is not only detrimental to the lives of Canadians but negatively impacts Canada’s capacity for economic growth. The time between regulatory approval and when new drugs were first listed on public provincial formularies averaged 736 days (25 months) in 2022. This is double the average time reported in other Organisation for Economic Development countries.

How long after the initial listing did it take to be added to half of the public drug plans in Canada? What was the main driver of the overall time to patient varying considerably by province in 2022? What was the listing time difference between rare and non-rare diseases? And what should be done to streamline drug review and listings in the future?

Read the issue briefing for our full analysis.

Key findings
Delays in patient access to pharmaceuticals in Canada
Analyzing drug listing times in Canada
Analyzing Canada’s drug approval timelines: Opportunities for improvement
Appendix A—Methodology
Appendix B—Acronyms and initialisms
Appendix C—Access the data
Appendix D—Bibliography

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