Economy Sees Modest Growth in Third Quarter, Propelled by Households and Government
Key insights Today’s release of GDP estimates shows that growth in Canada’s economy was sluggish in the third quarter compared…
Economist, Economic Forecasting
Viktor Cicman works in the Economic Forecasting team at The Conference Board of Canada. In this role, Viktor is in charge of forecasts for multiple areas. For the provincial forecast, he is tasked with Ontario, Nova Scotia, and the commercial services sector. For city forecasts, he is assigned St. Catherine’s, Hamilton and Halifax.
Prior to CBoC, Viktor worked for 10 years at workforce planning boards in Brantford and Hamilton. These were research focused organizations that worked as an intermediary in local labour markets. Along with providing timely, crucial job market information to various stakeholders, the organization built strong relationships with public institutions and employers to help the job market as effectively as possible.
Bachelor of Arts, Economics, McMaster University
Master’s of Arts, Economics, McMaster University
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