Manufacturing Sales Rose in November as Weaker Loonie Supported Exporters
Key insights Building on a large gain the previous month, Canadian manufacturing sales rose again in November. Higher sales of…
Senior Economist, Economic Forecasting
Kiefer Van Mulligen is a Research Associate with the Indigenous and Northern Communities team. At the Conference Board, Kiefer has contributed to the work of the Future Skills Centre, as well as custom research projects in the Indigenous and Northern Communities’ portfolio (including an analysis of climate change impacts and adaptation in the Canadian North).
He is passionate about reducing his carbon footprint and helping all Canadians to do the same.
He holds an MA in Philosophy and Economics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, where he specialized in econometrics and climate change policy. He also holds an MA in History from the University of Victoria, which focused on the social impacts of labour disputes in Canada and the United States.
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