Ready for Life: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care

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Ready for Life: A Socio-Economic Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care

Economic Insights Learning and Development

Author: Alicia Macdonald, Cory Renner, Craig Alexander, Christopher Beckman, Matthew Stewart


  • Expanding early childhood education in Canada would increase female labour market participation, improve child outcomes (especially for disadvantaged children), and reduce Canada’s income inequality.
  • By allowing more women to enter the labour force, the introduction of an expanded ECE program would result in about 23,000 families—many of them single-parent families—being lifted out of poverty.
  • Given the substantial positive benefits to society and the economy, there is a strong case for expanding ECE services.
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This report explores the impact of early childhood education (ECE) on the Canadian economy and highlights its potential to improve socio-economic outcomes including the reduction of poverty and income inequality.

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