Leading Indicator of Industry Profitability: August 2012

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Leading Indicator of Industry Profitability: August 2012

Industry Sector Economics

Author: Kristelle Audet


  • The leading indicator of industry profitability was unchanged in July—not surprising, as other key indicators for the Canadian economy continue to send mixed signals.
  • The breakdown by industry also presents a mixed picture. Improvements in the profitability outlook were highly concentrated among manufacturing industries, while declines were slightly more prevalent among the trade and service industries.
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The monthly Leading Indicator of Industry Profitability is constructed from high frequency data series. The indicators are designed to be predictive of movements in corporate profitability six months hence. An industry leading index is created for the economy as a whole, as well as for 49 individual sectors within the economy, thus providing coverage for most of the private business activity that takes place in Canada.

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