Canadian Outlook Economic Forecast: Spring 2006

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Canadian Outlook Economic Forecast: Spring 2006


Author: Pedro Antunes


  • A pre-election personal income tax cut, post-election GST cut and a handsome prosperity payout to Albertans will boost aftertax real household income to near-record growth this year. The payout will help keep consumer spending humming.
  • Strong overall economic growth of about 3 per cent in 2006 and 2007 masks the disparate results among the regions; by some measures Ontario is the worst-performing economy.
  • Elevated raw material prices will keep the loonie strong, forcing even more cost reductions from Canada’s already squeezed manufacturers and farmers.
  • While large fiscal and trade imbalances hang over the U.S. economy, the economy is still expected to land softly, with growth easing to below 3 per cent in 2007.
  • A cut of one percentage point in the GST, assumed to come into effect in mid-May, will lower overall inflation by about 0.3 percentage points in both 2006 and 2007.
  • One more rate hike is expected from the Bank of Canada this spring, bringing the Bank’s overnight target rate to 4 per cent. A strong dollar, mixed regional performance and lack of ingrained inflation will prevent further rate hikes until the fall of 2007.
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This quarterly economic forecast provides highlights of the Canadian Outlook report, which presents the short-term national outlook.

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