Measuring social and emotional skills
The toolbox
The demand for social and emotional skills (SES) is growing. But few reliable tools are available to measure SES in adolescents and adults, and it can be difficult to figure out which existing tools are best. Also, there’s little consensus among researchers and practitioners on how to best define
and measure SES.
Canadian educators, researchers, and practitioners need to easily access and understand the leading tools and insights available to them. Fortunately, several robust tools do exist.
This digital platform provides a curated guide to key SES measurement resources.
The resources are divided into two major categories:
We acknowledge that additional frameworks and platforms for SES measurement and training are being developed and tested within Canada. For example, check out the Future Skills Centre’s Innovation Project with Futureworx that focuses on evaluating the efficacy of Futureworx’s Employability Skills Assessment Tool (ESAT).
FSC Partners
Any omissions in fact or interpretation remain the sole responsibility of The Conference Board of Canada. The findings do not necessarily reflect the views of the Future Skills Centre, its funder, or its partners