Virtual Mental Health Training

Free Webinar  •  April 27, 2021

Mental health training is an essential component of any wellness strategy, but what exactly is mental health training?

When reviewing mental health training options, some questions to consider include:

  • Has the course been evaluated?
  • Are references/testimonials available?
  • What does the training claim to achieve?
  • Is the curriculum right for you and your organization?

Who better to answer these questions and more than Pauline Meunier and Denise Waligora, Mental Health Commission of Canada, Training and Delivery Specialists for The Working Mind, and Mental Health First Aid. Hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been trained in these programs and both Denise and Pauline ensure the thousands of trainers are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills to effectively deliver this training. During this 45-minute webinar we’re going to talk about:

  • Do’s like bringing in evidenced-based mental health training into your organization with the workplace in mind.
  • Make sure to do’s like building mental health training into strategic initiatives to change culture.
  • Don’ts like turning mental health training into a tick-box exercise.
  • Please don’ts as in not setting boundaries to what training is designed to do and how employees can use it.
