Financing Innovation by Established Businesses in Canada

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Financing Innovation by Established Businesses in Canada

Innovation and Technology

Author: Michael Grant


This report focuses on innovation finance for established businesses, from the distinct perspectives of investors and innovative businesses.

In capital markets—where the appetite for risk is currently small—company managers must tell potential investors a compelling story of growth through innovation. Demonstrating spending on R&D is not enough.

Innovators need practical tools to help them explain to investors both their innovative activity (e.g., innovation metrics) and the way it makes money (e.g., the business model and financial projections). Canadian companies also have to do a better job of getting their products into the hands of paying customers. The Conference Board of Canada’s Centre for Business Innovation is developing tools and metrics to help Canadian companies improve their capabilities and address these challenges.

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This report focuses on innovation finance, from the perspectives of investors and established, innovative businesses. It discusses the tools and metrics innovators need to use to attract investors.

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