Combining Strengths: Cyber and Physical Security Convergence

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Combining Strengths: Cyber and Physical Security Convergence

Innovation and Technology

Author: Melissa Lalonde


The increasing threat of an attack that compromises an organization’s physical operations in tandem with its computer network is an emerging issue. Converging physical and cyber security areas within the organization can better position companies to address the evolving threat landscape. Companies must aim to eliminate ineffective and disjointed teams, close the security gap to better protect assets, and design an organizational structure that aligns with company culture. However, questions remain about how to structure teams, close the gaps with existing processes, and share information seamlessly. Before making these decisions, companies must understand the concept of convergence, the potential reasons for converging security departments, and the issues that may arise from convergence.

This briefing addresses the challenge of merging physical and cyber security departments within a company, discusses the insights from a literature review, and provides some recommendations on the issue.

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This briefing addresses the challenge of merging physical and cyber security departments within a company, discusses the insights from a literature review, and provides some recommendations on the issue.

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