Canadian CIO Outlook 2017: Driving Business Strategy and Delivering Value

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Canadian CIO Outlook 2017: Driving Business Strategy and Delivering Value

Human Resources Innovation and Technology

Author: Darren Gresch


To successfully balance their myriad technical, management, and strategic priorities, today’s chief information officers (CIOs) must stay on top of a variety of trends. They must understand the IT issues facing their organizations, and influence the design and portfolio of enterprise products, services, and processes to support rapid change.

Relying on a regular survey of Canadian CIOs, The Conference Board of Canada’s annual Canadian CIO Outlook identifies and discusses the current challenges and opportunities they face, as well as the skills, tools, and strategies they use to achieve success in priority areas. The survey and report provide CIOs in Canada with a better understanding of how their peers manage IT and organizational priorities and offer a glimpse into the future role of the CIO.

The report provides five key takeaways for CIOs, relating to relationship building, priority and time management, IT trends, IT talent, and barriers to fulfilling the CIO role.

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This annual survey report on Canadian chief information officers (CIOs) offers a glimpse into the future role of the CIO and provides five key takeaways for CIOs to focus on.

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