Indigenous Tourism Sector Impact in Canada
In this research, we examine the economic impact of the Indigenous tourism sector on revenues, GDP, employment, labour income, and government revenue in Canada.
Given the distinct contributions that Indigenous tourism businesses make to the country’s economy, both culturally and economically, which types of these business have the largest economic footprint—and in which regions of the country? To what extent have Indigenous tourism sector revenues recovered from the pandemic? How can challenges such as transportation issues, workforce shortages, and higher costs be addressed?
Read the impact paper to get our full analysis.
Cette publication est disponible en français.
Key findings
Home to over 2,750 businesses in Canada
About the Indigenous tourism sector
Economic impact of the Indigenous tourism sector
Managing inflationary pressures
Turning the corner
Pathway to recovery
Appendix A: Methodology
Appendix B: Respondent profile
Appendix C: Additional data tables
Appendix D: Glossary of terms
Appendix E: About ITAC
Appendix F: Bibliography
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