Framing Sustainable Options for Housing in Canada’s North

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Framing Sustainable Options for Housing in Canada’s North


Author: Siomonn Pulla


Canada’s North has a shortage of quality affordable housing options. A significant portion of the existing stock of Northern housing was designed by outsiders based on the decades-old premisethat the single-family, owner-occupied home is the best environment in which to live and raise children; and that a housing market provides jobs and the options to establish financial equity. The North, however, requires specific Northern housing programs and policies.

Framing Sustainable Options for Housing in Canada’s North offers four case studies of successful and innovative Northern housing initiatives across the country. It also explores some of the major policies and programs established and implemented across Canada since the mid-1900s. This report ultimately suggests that effective Northern housing strategies require sensitive partnerships, programs, and policies that support and involve Northerners, are respectful of and relevant to Northern lifestyles, traditions, and cultures, and are consistent with the long-term goals of sustainable development.

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What kind of houses should we be building in the North? This research report provides case studies and six key recommendations relative to the housing issue in Northern Canada.

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