Community Pharmacy Integral to Delivering Primary Care: Impact and Opportunities for Value-Based System Transformation

a pharmacists looking for medication off the shelf.

Community Pharmacy Integral to Delivering Primary Care: Impact and Opportunities for Value-Based System Transformation

Pages:29 pages15 min read

Author: The Conference Board of Canada


This research looks at how expanding integrated primary care and interprofessional teams to include community pharmacy across the country could increase access to care, reduce strains on the system, and enable a more holistic approach to care.

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In this research, we look at how the seamless integration of community pharmacies within public health and primary care efforts adds value to Canada’s health systems by supporting more responsive and coordinated care, harnessing efficiencies, and addressing inequities or variations in access to care and services.

How will expanding the role of community pharmacy add value to the health system? What specific strategies are needed to make this a reality? What are the projected annual cost savings to the public system?

Key findings
Community pharmacists in integrated primary care
Value-based system transformation
Value to Canadians
What are the challenges to expansion?
Appendix A: Methodology
Appendix B: Bibliography

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